
Cold and Flu

Urgent Care & Primary Care located in Twin Creek area., Allen, Addison, Forth Worth and San Antonio, TX

Cold and Flu

When you have cold and flu symptoms, you need a doctor you can trust to help you recover as quickly as possible. Urgent care specialist Frank Lee, MD, and the experienced team offer comprehensive care for colds, sore throats, the flu, and COVID-19 at North Tex MedCare Clinic and Urgent Care in Allen, Addison, Fort Worth, and San Antonio, Texas. Call the nearest office or use the online booking tool to schedule a cold and flu consultation today. Telemedicine visits are also available.

How are the common cold and flu different?

While the cold and flu are both respiratory viruses with similar symptoms, they have different causes and treatments. The flu typically has more severe symptoms than the common cold, but a flu test is the only accurate way to distinguish between the two. 

At North Tex MedCare Clinic and Urgent Care, the team provides prompt care for walk-ins. You can also schedule a telemedicine appointment if you’re unable to visit the clinic for cold and flu care right away.

What are the most common cold and flu symptoms?

Cold and flu symptoms vary depending on the strain and severity but can include:

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Body aches
  • Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

While these cold and flu symptoms overlap, there are a few key differences. Flu symptoms tend to include high fever, headaches, chills and sweats, and muscle soreness. 

How do doctors test for cold and flu?

If you have cold and flu symptoms, the North Tex MedCare Clinic and Urgent Care team may run tests, such as:

Flu test

A flu test involves swabbing your nose or throat to detect the presence of influenza viruses that cause the flu.

COVID-19 test

COVID-19 causes symptoms similar to the flu, but it can also lead to severe respiratory illness, pneumonia, and other complications. The team may use a nasal or throat swab to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Strep test

If you have symptoms of a sore throat, the team may administer a strep test, which involves swabbing the back of your throat to detect the presence of group A Streptococcus bacteria, a common cause of strep throat.

What are the most effective cold and flu treatments?

Early intervention is essential to treat a cold or flu. If you experience cold and flu symptoms, the North Tex MedCare Clinic and Urgent Care team may recommend:

  • Rest and hydration
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medications
  • Antiviral medications
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Throat lozenges
  • Steam inhalation
  • Warm beverages

Distancing yourself from others can also help stop the illness from spreading. You may need to wear a mask, stay home, and avoid close contact with others to keep your community safe and healthy.

Call North Tex MedCare Clinic and Urgent Care or use the online booking feature to schedule a cold and flu consultation today.