
Vaccines and Boosters Every Adult Should Have

Jul 22, 2024
 Vaccines and Boosters Every Adult Should Have
While children and the elderly are at the highest risk, healthy adults shouldn’t skip their vaccinations either. Read on to learn more about what vaccines and boosters you may need as an adult.

Vaccines and boosters have been used for decades to train your immune system to fight disease. In severe conditions like poliomyelitis, vaccination might be your only chance to protect yourself against a life-threatening virus. 

Unfortunately, the vaccines and boosters you received as a child may not be enough to keep you protected for your entire life.

Some viruses, such as the flu, develop new strains every year. The flu may be considered a common health issue, but it still causes many fatalities worldwide each year, even in healthy adults. 

Vaccines can also help sexually active women reduce their risk of certain types of cancer. 

To help you, we asked our expert, Dr. Frank Lee, to share with you what vaccines and boosters you may need as an adult. 

Flu vaccine (influenza)

The flu vaccine offers protection against the annual flu. Even if you get sick, you are less likely to get hospitalized or suffer serious respiratory conditions like pneumonia.

COVID-19 vaccine 

COVID-19 has caused millions of deaths worldwide. While the risk for COVID-19 is lower now, it’s still important to get vaccinated, as staying vaccinated contributes to herd immunity. This means that the more people are vaccinated, the smaller the chances of serious infections. 

Hepatitis A and B vaccine 

Hepatitis A and B are viral diseases that attack the liver. Unfortunately, it can take years to show symptoms, and when symptoms do appear, the damage to the liver is already extensive. 

Hepatitis A and B spread through contaminated food, water, sharing needles, and unprotected sexual contact. 

HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine

If you are a sexually active woman, the HPV vaccine could save your life. It offers protection against several viruses that raise your risk for cervical cancer and genital warts. 

Pneumococcal vaccines (PCV13 and PPSV23)

Pneumococcal vaccines offer protection against severe pneumococcal diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. In older adults, pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death, although this condition can be debilitating for anyone at any age. 


Despite common belief, shingles is not a childhood disease; it’s a reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox. Consequently, it can affect adults, especially older adults, at higher risk of developing complications. 

Get all your vaccines and boosters with us 

Your vaccines and booster recommendations vary depending on your previous immunizations, your current health status, and your lifestyle. For example, if you travel a lot, you may need additional vaccines to stay safe. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment to ensure your vaccinations and boosters are up-to-date and you stay safe.